Abyssal Firmament

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The firmament of the ocean stretches out before us, a vast and endless expanse of deep blue hues that invite us to explore the unknown. From the vibrant turquoise of the shallows to the dark and mysterious depths of the abyss, the ocean's shifting colors stir our emotions and inspire us to brave the unknown. Whether we are sailing the open seas or simply gazing upon the beauty of the water, the ocean's hues remind us of the endless possibilities that lie within the firmament of the deep. 💙 #MariaSalvador
TITLE: Abyssal Firmament (33)
MEDIUM: Mixed Media (Fiber and Fabric on Textile)
RELEASE DATE: January 04, 2023
Seen at @artundergroundmanila x @xsartfest
Exhibit Date: January 27 to 29, 2023 (on-site)